Watch Video: សារលិខិតសម្តេចតេជោ ផ្ញើជូនអ្នកសារព័ត៌មានជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិ ក្នុងឳកាសទិវានៃជំនួបលើកទី៦ (ថ្ងៃទី១៤ មករា ២០២២)
Watch Video: សារលិខិតសម្តេចតេជោ ផ្ញើជូនអ្នកសារព័ត៌មានជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិ ក្នុងឳកាសទិវានៃជំនួបលើកទី៦ (ថ្ងៃទី១៤ មករា ២០២២)
Watch Video: សារលិខិតសម្តេចតេជោ ផ្ញើជូនអ្នកសារព័ត៌មានជាតិនិងអន្តរជាតិ ក្នុងឳកាសទិវានៃជំនួបលើកទី៦ (ថ្ងៃទី១៤ មករា ២០២២)
NAME | COMPONENT | DURATION | 0 ms | 130 ms | 260 ms | 390 ms | 520 ms | 650 ms | 780 ms |
Bootstrap | Timer | 12.07 ms | |||||||
Routing | Timer | 0.85 ms | |||||||
Controller | Timer | 879.37 ms | |||||||
Controller Constructor | Timer | 20.60 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 1.71 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 2.34 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.85 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.69 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.17 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 1.55 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 1.78 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 60.74 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 10.06 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 107.01 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.32 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 5.91 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.16 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.80 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.14 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.59 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.53 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 74.43 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 4.73 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 108.02 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.27 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.16 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.14 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.11 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.14 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.07 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.99 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.14 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 2.16 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 169.31 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 85.55 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 186.02 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 1.01 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.12 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.05 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.61 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.57 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.53 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.13 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.15 ms | |||||||
Query | Database | 0.14 ms | |||||||
View: App\Views\admin\cmps\pagination.php | Views | 0.12 ms | |||||||
View: App\Views\admin\cmps\pagination.php | Views | 0.16 ms | |||||||
View: header.php | Views | 0.92 ms | |||||||
View: news.php | Views | 0.15 ms | |||||||
View: footer.php | Views | 0.48 ms |
Time | Query String |
1.71 ms | SET time_zone='+7:00'; |
2.34 ms | SHOW COLUMNS FROM news |
0.85 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.69 ms | SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM news WHERE ( `news_id`='4004' AND `pub`!='private' AND `trash`='keep' ) |
0.17 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '4004' AND `pub` != 'private' AND `trash` = 'keep' |
1.55 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
1.78 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news_tag WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
60.74 ms | SELECT * FROM news_tag WHERE ( news_tag.news_tag_id='4004' ) ORDER BY tag_id DESC |
10.06 ms | SELECT * FROM `news_type` WHERE `news_type_id` = '28' |
107.01 ms | SELECT * FROM `news_tag` WHERE `news_type_id` = '28' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 100 |
0.32 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '16668' AND `lang` = 'en' |
5.91 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '20989' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.16 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '27071' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '16885' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '13711' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.8 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.14 ms | SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM news WHERE ( `news_id`='4004' AND `pub`!='private' AND `trash`='keep' AND `lang`='en' ) |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '4004' AND `pub` != 'private' AND `trash` = 'keep' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.59 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.53 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news_tag WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
74.43 ms | SELECT * FROM news_tag WHERE ( news_tag.news_tag_id='4004' ) ORDER BY tag_id DESC |
4.73 ms | SELECT * FROM `news_type` WHERE `news_type_id` = '28' |
108.02 ms | SELECT * FROM `news_tag` WHERE `news_type_id` = '28' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 100 |
0.27 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '11994' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.16 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '31635' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '14123' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '20444' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.14 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '29851' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '6809' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '3405' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '28814' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.11 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '7650' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '32037' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.14 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '5078' AND `lang` = 'en' |
0.07 ms | SET time_zone='+7:00'; |
0.99 ms | SHOW COLUMNS FROM news |
0.14 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `news_id` = '4004' AND `pub` = 'publish' AND `trash` = 'keep' |
2.16 ms | UPDATE `news` SET `article_view` = 955 WHERE `news_id` = '4004' AND `pub` = 'publish' AND `trash` = 'keep' |
169.31 ms | SELECT * FROM `homepage_viewcount` WHERE DATE(datetimes) >= '2025-03-16 00:00:00' |
85.55 ms | UPDATE `homepage_viewcount` SET `articles_view` = 11320 WHERE DATE(datetimes) >= '2025-03-16 00:00:00' |
186.02 ms | SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `pub` = 'publish' AND `trash` = 'keep' AND `marquee` = 1 AND `lang` = 'en' |
1.01 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.12 ms | SELECT * FROM `homepage` WHERE `id` = 1 |
0.05 ms | SET time_zone='+7:00'; |
0.61 ms | SHOW COLUMNS FROM news_type |
0.57 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news_type WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM news_type WHERE ( news_type.pub='publish' ) ORDER BY reorder asc |
0.53 ms | SHOW KEYS FROM news_type WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY' |
0.13 ms | SELECT * FROM news_type WHERE ( news_type.pub='publish' ) ORDER BY reorder asc |
0.15 ms | SELECT * FROM `ads` |
0.14 ms | SELECT * FROM `attached_article` WHERE `AA_parent_id` = '4004' |
App.php | APPPATH/Config/App.php |
Autoload.php | APPPATH/Config/Autoload.php |
BaseController.php | APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php |
Cache.php | APPPATH/Config/Cache.php |
ClassLoader.php | VENDORPATH/composer/ClassLoader.php |
CliRenderer.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Renderer/CliRenderer.php |
Common.php | APPPATH/Common.php |
Config.php | APPPATH/Libraries/Config.php |
Constants.php | APPPATH/Config/Constants.php |
ContentSecurityPolicy.php | APPPATH/Config/ContentSecurityPolicy.php |
Crud.php | APPPATH/Libraries/Crud.php |
CrudModel.php | APPPATH/Models/CrudModel.php |
Crud_core.php | APPPATH/Libraries/Crud_core.php |
Database.php | APPPATH/Config/Database.php |
Events.php | APPPATH/Config/Events.php |
Exceptions.php | APPPATH/Config/Exceptions.php |
Filters.php | APPPATH/Config/Filters.php |
Format.php | APPPATH/Libraries/Format.php |
Functions.php | VENDORPATH/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert/Functions.php |
Home.php | APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php |
KhmerDateTime.php | APPPATH/Libraries/KhmerDateTime.php |
Kint.php | APPPATH/Config/Kint.php |
Kint.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Kint.php |
Logger.php | APPPATH/Config/Logger.php |
Modules.php | APPPATH/Config/Modules.php |
Pager.php | APPPATH/Config/Pager.php |
Paths.php | APPPATH/Config/Paths.php |
Renderer.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Renderer/Renderer.php |
RichRenderer.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Renderer/RichRenderer.php |
Routes.php | APPPATH/Config/Routes.php |
Services.php | APPPATH/Config/Services.php |
TextRenderer.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Renderer/TextRenderer.php |
Toolbar.php | APPPATH/Config/Toolbar.php |
UserAgents.php | APPPATH/Config/UserAgents.php |
Utils.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/src/Utils.php |
View.php | APPPATH/Config/View.php |
autoload.php | VENDORPATH/autoload.php |
autoload_real.php | VENDORPATH/composer/autoload_real.php |
autoload_static.php | VENDORPATH/composer/autoload_static.php |
deep_copy.php | VENDORPATH/myclabs/deep-copy/src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php |
development.php | APPPATH/Config/Boot/development.php |
footer.php | APPPATH/Views/footer.php |
function.php | VENDORPATH/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php |
header.php | APPPATH/Views/header.php |
index.php | FCPATH/index.php |
init.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/init.php |
init_helpers.php | VENDORPATH/kint-php/kint/init_helpers.php |
news.php | APPPATH/Views/news.php |
pagination.php | APPPATH/Views/admin/cmps/pagination.php |
platform_check.php | VENDORPATH/composer/platform_check.php |
AutoloadConfig.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/AutoloadConfig.php |
Autoloader.php | SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/Autoloader.php |
BaseBuilder.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php |
BaseCollector.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/BaseCollector.php |
BaseConfig.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseConfig.php |
BaseConnection.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseConnection.php |
BaseHandler.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/BaseHandler.php |
BaseHandler.php | SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/BaseHandler.php |
BaseResult.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseResult.php |
BaseService.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseService.php |
Builder.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Builder.php |
CacheFactory.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheFactory.php |
CacheInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheInterface.php |
CodeIgniter.php | SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php |
Common.php | SYSTEMPATH/Common.php |
Config.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/Config.php |
Connection.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Connection.php |
ConnectionInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/ConnectionInterface.php |
ContentSecurityPolicy.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ContentSecurityPolicy.php |
Controller.php | SYSTEMPATH/Controller.php |
Database.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/Database.php |
Database.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Database.php |
DebugToolbar.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/DebugToolbar.php |
DotEnv.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/DotEnv.php |
Events.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Events.php |
Events.php | SYSTEMPATH/Events/Events.php |
Exceptions.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Exceptions.php |
Factories.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factories.php |
Factory.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factory.php |
FileHandler.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php |
FileHandler.php | SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/FileHandler.php |
FileLocator.php | SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/FileLocator.php |
Files.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Files.php |
FilterInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/FilterInterface.php |
Filters.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php |
FormatRules.php | SYSTEMPATH/Validation/FormatRules.php |
Header.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Header.php |
IncomingRequest.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/IncomingRequest.php |
Logger.php | SYSTEMPATH/Log/Logger.php |
LoggerAwareTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php |
LoggerInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LoggerInterface.php |
Logs.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Logs.php |
Message.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Message.php |
MessageInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageInterface.php |
MessageTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageTrait.php |
Modules.php | SYSTEMPATH/Modules/Modules.php |
Pager.php | SYSTEMPATH/Pager/Pager.php |
PagerInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Pager/PagerInterface.php |
PagerRenderer.php | SYSTEMPATH/Pager/PagerRenderer.php |
Query.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/Query.php |
QueryInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/QueryInterface.php |
RendererInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/View/RendererInterface.php |
Request.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Request.php |
RequestInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestInterface.php |
RequestTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestTrait.php |
Response.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Response.php |
ResponseInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseInterface.php |
ResponseTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/API/ResponseTrait.php |
ResponseTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseTrait.php |
Result.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Result.php |
ResultInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/ResultInterface.php |
RouteCollection.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollection.php |
RouteCollectionInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollectionInterface.php |
Router.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/Router.php |
RouterInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouterInterface.php |
Routes.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Routes.php |
Routes.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Routes.php |
Services.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Services.php |
Session.php | SYSTEMPATH/Session/Session.php |
SessionInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Session/SessionInterface.php |
Time.php | SYSTEMPATH/I18n/Time.php |
Timer.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Timer.php |
Timers.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Timers.php |
Toolbar.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar.php |
UserAgent.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/UserAgent.php |
View.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/View.php |
View.php | SYSTEMPATH/View/View.php |
Views.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Views.php |
array_helper.php | SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/array_helper.php |
bootstrap.php | SYSTEMPATH/bootstrap.php |
form_helper.php | SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/form_helper.php |
text_helper.php | SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/text_helper.php |
url_helper.php | SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/url_helper.php |
Directory: | |
Controller: | \App\Controllers\Home |
Method: | details |
Params: | 1 / 1 |
news_id_fromurl | 4004 |
Method | Route | Handler |
GET | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
GET | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
GET | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
GET | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
HEAD | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
HEAD | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
HEAD | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
HEAD | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
POST | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
POST | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
POST | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
POST | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
PUT | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
PUT | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
PUT | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
PUT | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
DELETE | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
DELETE | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
DELETE | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
DELETE | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
OPTIONS | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
OPTIONS | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
OPTIONS | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
OPTIONS | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
TRACE | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
TRACE | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
TRACE | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
TRACE | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
CONNECT | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
CONNECT | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
CONNECT | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
CONNECT | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
CLI | migrations/([^/]+)/([^/]+) | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::$1/$2 |
CLI | migrations/([^/]+) | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::$1 |
CLI | migrations | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::index |
CLI | ci(.*) | \CodeIgniter\CLI\CommandRunner::index/$1 |
CLI | sitemap.xml | \App\Controllers\News::xml |
CLI | app | \App\Controllers\News::applink |
CLI | en | \App\Controllers\Home::en |
CLI | kh | \App\Controllers\Home::kh |
Time | Event Name | Times Called |
2.50 ms | pre_system | 1 |
0.51 ms | dbquery | 51 |
Action | Datetime | Status | Method | URL | Content-Type | Is AJAX? |
2025-03-16 01:46:58 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/23819 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:57 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/4004 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:55 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:50 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/29864 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:47 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/31601 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:45 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:38 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:37 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/31499 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:32 | 307 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/uploads/images/8601/EAC-NEWS-2022-02-09_5.jpg | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:31 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/20561 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:30 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:27 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/31181 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:25 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:24 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:23 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:22 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:21 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:17 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/23998 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:16 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/2796 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-03-16 01:46:13 | 200 | GET | https://eacnews.asia/home/details/31607 | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No |
pager | CodeIgniter\Pager\PagerRenderer Object ( [first:protected] => 1 [last:protected] => 1 [current:protected] => 1 [total:protected] => 1 [pageCount:protected] => 1 [uri:protected] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI Object ( [uriString:protected] => [segments:protected] => Array ( [0] => home [1] => details [2] => 4004 ) [scheme:protected] => https [user:protected] => [password:protected] => [host:protected] => eacnews.asia [port:protected] => [path:protected] => home/details/4004 [fragment:protected] => [query:protected] => Array ( ) [defaultPorts:protected] => Array ( [http] => 80 [https] => 443 [ftp] => 21 [sftp] => 22 ) [showPassword:protected] => [silent:protected] => [rawQueryString:protected] => ) [segment:protected] => 0 [pageSelector:protected] => page ) |
marquee | Deadly Collision Claims 67 Lives in U.S. Air Disaster | At Least 30 Dead and Many Injured in Stampede at Maha Kumbh Mela in India | Cambodia's Future Leaders Celebrated as Prime Minister Hun Manet Speaks at Asia-Europe University Graduation | The National Bank of Cambodia and Central Bank of Madagascar seal a partnership to enhance bilateral economic cooperation. | Minister of Health Delivers Lecture on Leadership and Innovation on "Methods of Critical Thinking – Part 2" | BREAKING: Takeo Provincial Court President Dismissed for Premature Release of Murder Convict | BREAKING: Samdech Hun Sen Announces Absence from Senate Plenary Session After Positive COVID-19 Test | |
table | <!-- standard post --> <article class="entry"> <div class="single-post__entry-header entry__header"> <div class="entry__img-holder"><figure> <img src="https://eacnews.asia/uploads/images/4004.jpg" alt="" class="entry__img"> <!-- <figcaption>A photo collection sample1s</figcaption> --> </figure></div> <h1 class="single-post__entry-title"> Superior Kills Employee Over Financial Dispute </h1> <ul class="single-post__entry-meta entry__meta"> <!-- <li> <div class="entry-author"> <span>ដោយ</span> <span class="">Rhea Soco</span> </div> </li> --> <li class="entry__meta-date"> Posted Sep 27, 2021 16:35 by Rhea Soco </li> <!-- <li> <span>type </span><a href=" https://eacnews.asia/home/index/28 " class="entry__meta-category"> National</a> </li> --> <li> <span class="bi bi-eye" title="Total View"> 954 </span> </li> </ul> <div class="container pl-4"> <a href="https://eacnews.asia" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/web-icon.png"> </a> <a href="https://t.me/eaclatest" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/telegram.png"> </a> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/eactvcambodia" class ="buttom-icon " target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/facebook.png"> </a> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/EArtsCambodia" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/youtube.png" > </a> <a href="https://twitter.com/EAC_News_KH" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/twitter.png" > </a> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/eac_news" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/instagram.png" > </a> <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@eac_news" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/tiktok.png" > </a> <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eactv" class ="buttom-icon" target="_BLANK" > <img src="https://eacnews.asia/front/img/newsocial/smart-tv.png" > </a> <span style="font-size:20px" class="ml-3 text-nowrap" id="font-changer"> <a href="#entry__article" onclick="increaseFont();">Aa </a> | <a href="#entry__article" onclick="decreaseFont();">aA</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="entry__article-holder"> <div class="entry__article"> <p>Prey Veng: The branch head of a finance company in Prey Veng, Vivath Golden Finance, Yom Chantha, 22, was reported killing his female employee at Svay Antor district due to financial issue. The victim was known as Mom Chenda, 27, a resident of Village 8, Kampong Leav Commune, in Prey Veng City. </p><p>Prey Veng Deputy Police Commissioner Pov Chivi has said that they received a report on Monday about a woman found lifeless in a room of Vivath Golden Finance’s building. The police have traced the whereabouts of the victim which led to the arrest of the company’s branch director, Yom Chantha. The victim’s body was found laying on her stomach with scratched and bruised skin. <br></p><p>The mother of the victim, Soeur Sovanry, 50, has reported to the police that on Sunday 8:00 in the evening, her daughter received a call from her boss asking to meet for a meeting. After that, she never heard from her daughter until on Monday she received a phone call that her daughter was dead.<br></p><p>Chivi has added that the forensic examination showed Chenda died due to suffocation. Police have rolled-out the conclusion that the murder was committed due to financial dispute in the company. They received an information that the branch director was hiding some of the company’s money in his hometown. After thorough investigation, the police said that the suspect have confessed killing his employee. He is now detained at Svay Antor District Police Inspectorate while the case against him is being prepared for filing in the court.</p><p><img src="https://eacnews.asia//./uploads/images/4004/1632735631_c76f8e827fec97701ff2.jpg" style="Be: 1rem; width: 100%;"><br></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></article> |
item | stdClass Object ( [news_id] => 4004 [news_title] => Superior Kills Employee Over Financial Dispute [alias] => [description] => Prey Veng: The branch head of a finance company in Prey Veng, Vivath Golden Finance, Yom Chantha, 22, was reported killing his female employee at Svay Antor district due to financial issue. The victim was known as Mom Chenda, [keywords] => [article] => <p>Prey Veng: The branch head of a finance company in Prey Veng, Vivath Golden Finance, Yom Chantha, 22, was reported killing his female employee at Svay Antor district due to financial issue. The victim was known as Mom Chenda, 27, a resident of Village 8, Kampong Leav Commune, in Prey Veng City. </p><p>Prey Veng Deputy Police Commissioner Pov Chivi has said that they received a report on Monday about a woman found lifeless in a room of Vivath Golden Finance’s building. The police have traced the whereabouts of the victim which led to the arrest of the company’s branch director, Yom Chantha. The victim’s body was found laying on her stomach with scratched and bruised skin. <br></p><p>The mother of the victim, Soeur Sovanry, 50, has reported to the police that on Sunday 8:00 in the evening, her daughter received a call from her boss asking to meet for a meeting. After that, she never heard from her daughter until on Monday she received a phone call that her daughter was dead.<br></p><p>Chivi has added that the forensic examination showed Chenda died due to suffocation. Police have rolled-out the conclusion that the murder was committed due to financial dispute in the company. They received an information that the branch director was hiding some of the company’s money in his hometown. After thorough investigation, the police said that the suspect have confessed killing his employee. He is now detained at Svay Antor District Police Inspectorate while the case against him is being prepared for filing in the court.</p><p><img src="https://eacnews.asia//./uploads/images/4004/1632735631_c76f8e827fec97701ff2.jpg" style="font-size: 1rem; width: 100%;"><br></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p> [image] => 4004.jpg [video_feature] => [jwplay_mobile_url] => [video_type] => [channelkhmerimage] => [type] => 0 [pub] => publish [liveURL] => [publish_schedule] => [credate] => 2021-09-27 16:35:00 [postdate] => 2021-09-27 16:35:00 [modate] => 2021-09-27 16:40:00 [creator] => Rhea Soco [modifier] => Rhea Soco [lang] => en [trash] => keep [hits] => [article_view] => 954 [rdn_view] => 0 [marquee] => [new_type] => 0 [requested] => no [permissByPass] => ) |
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